Making peace with the uncomfortable

We had been thinking of moving from the cold Midwest to the warmth and sunshine of Arizona for many years but we waited for God’s timing.   My dad went to be with Jesus after a long illness and my husband’s mom who was living with us also passed away.  The boys went off to college and my husband’s job was coming to an end.  We felt it was the right time to start fresh, so we packed up the house and my mom and headed west.   Six months later as I sat in my sunny backyard and watched the palm trees sway (I had always wanted my very own).  I wondered why I wanted to move?!   You see, I missed my friends, I missed my family, I missed my ministries, I missed my old house, I missed my work, I missed my doctors, I missed my hairdresser, I even missed my grocery stores.  Plus we hadn’t found steady work and mom was much more needy in her new surroundings. And yet God was telling me to make peace….surrender to Him in this season of waiting….what do you want me to learn God?

The Israelites and their wandering through the desert for 40 years came to mind.  They complained about the bondage of Egypt but when God delivered them they complained about missing their old life.   They were also afraid to take possession of their new land. Their lack of belief in God’s faithful promises brought them the curse of wandering in the wilderness for 40 years.  Oh my, I did not want to wander for 40 years!!

So I asked God to teach me to let go of what was so that I could fully receive all the new He had for me.   As I drove one more in early spring my attention was brought to a tall Saguaro cactus with white flowers on the top.  I would have never suspected that a thorny inhospitable environment could allow such delicate looking flowers to bloom.  It looked like the cactus was wearing a crown of flowers.

Then I heard God say….. I can make beautiful things bloom in uncomfortable places so make peace with the uncomfortable.

Interestingly, I learned that the Saguaro cactus has lots of roots that grow on the surface but one deep root that can be anchored more than 2 feet down.  We too can have lots of great people and things around us that give us support but we must be anchored into the deep root of Jesus….the one true Vine to receive our nourishment and truly bloom with the fruits of the spirit.

Thank you Jesus that you give us your presence and promise that you will never leave us or forsake us.  Thank you that you give us just enough confirmations that we are exactly where you want us to be.  Thank you Jesus that you are teaching us patience in the season of waiting so that we wait upon your clear direction as to where you want us to use our time and talents to serve your kingdom.  Thank you that we don’t lose our old friends but you simply make more room in our hearts for new friends. 

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