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Thai Yoga Bodywork Certification - 12 CEC

Thai Yoga Bodywork Certification - 12 CEC

Thai Yoga Bodywork Certification - 12 CEC

Was June 5th and 6th 12-6pm

Mountainside Arrowhead - Register by emailing  

This training is for yoga teachers with a minimum 200 hr certificate who want to incorporate elements of Thai in their classes or for those that want to offer it as a private session to their clients.  This is also an ideal modality that can be added to a massage therapist’s toolbox.  

 Participants will:

  • learn the art of Metta or loving kindness through touch the way it has been passed down for centuries from teacher to student. 

  • learn where the most common trigger points are and how to release them.

  • learn contraindications and modifications for different body types.

  • receive step by step instruction so that they can give a full thai session.

  • learn techniques for supine, prone, side lying and seated positions so that all clients can be served no matter their restrictions.

  • receive a complete repertoire that can be used for an all body session.

  • have lots of opportunities to practice what is being taught.

  • have access to Hanan via phone & email for follow-up questions.

  • have an opportunity to practice a session on Hanan for more pointers.

  • receive a certificate of completion & 12 CEC hrs through Yoga Alliance.


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Self-Myofascia Release

Was June 8, 2019 12-2:00pm 

At Kula Yoga                                                                                

Self-Myofascia Release (SMR) is self-applied pressure using various tools to release constrictions and melt away trigger points in the connective tissue.  This brings an increase in circulation and flexibility throughout the body.  


Thai Yoga Bodywork 101
Was January 10, 2019 7-9:00 pm

 Dave’s Astanga Yoga, 7950 Redfield Rd, Suite 170, Scottsdale, AZ 

Bring a partner and learn how to bring them comfort and relaxation through Thai Yoga Bodywork.What is Thai Yoga Bodywork?
Thai Yoga Bodywork blends, acupressure, myofascial release, energy balancing techniques, and assisted yoga stretching.  It is different from other western forms of bodywork in that there is no oil used and it is administered on a floor mat with the recipient being fully clothed throughout the session.


Learn how to Create Flow Sequences
Was January 17, 2019

Dave’s Astanga Yoga, 7950 Redfield Rd, Suite 170, Scottsdale, AZ 

Learn how to create simple and effective flow sequences that make sense in the body.


Learn the basics of teaching chair yoga                                     Was July 17 9am-11:30am

Dave's Astanga, 7950 E Redfield Rd, Ste 170, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

Learn how to teach Chair Yoga which is a fantastic tool that makes it possible for those that thought yoga was not an option available to them. The chair is a tool, just like blocks and straps and allows the student to safely, move, breathe, build muscle strength and even stability.